Is this really February? You wouldn’t know it if you went outside. The temperatures have been phenomenal. Bright sunny blue skies too. I know we are really enjoying this beautiful weather in February but it makes me worried for August. How hot is it going to get once summer gets really into the heat of it? I’m also a little disappointed that it has been too warm for most of my winter clothes. I bought sweaters and some awesome cute boots that I can’t wear. It almost makes me want to crank up the air conditioner just so I can wear them. But, since I’m not going to do that, I’ll just share a picture of my newest boots here.
To get in shape, I’ve decided on walking most days of the week as my first step - no pun intended (well, maybe). I’m going outside for a 10am break each weekday. This should help get me away from my desk for a bit. And I will be adding a 2pm break next week. Two 15 minute breaks during the day should be a part of my work schedule so why not use it well. The first day was pathetically painful for being such a short walk. My shins were killing me before I got back inside. Slowing down a little helped keep the shins from burning so quickly. So, that’s my February goal – 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of walking.
February 1st was the start of a 12-week challenge that I’ve joined. I also joined a month-long February challenge. The 12-week challenge is all about the Atkins Induction Phase. The point of the challenge is to stick to the program, without straying. The February challenge is for losing 10 pounds in the month. If I stick with the first challenge, the second will just fall into place naturally. Both of these challenges are on a public forum with everyone sharing their progress, meal plans, exercise routine and weight. If that’s not motivating, I don’t know what is.
So, now I’m going to be eating low-carb and seasonally as much as possible. This month’s best bets for vegetables and fruits are Brussels sprouts, cauliflower (love me some Cauli-mash), Jerusalem artichokes (no idea what it is yet), kale, leeks, parsnips, potatoes, cabbage, bananas, blood oranges and other citrus, passion fruit, pineapple and pomegranate. Also included for this month are clams, haddock, halibut, mussels and oysters. I’ll try to include many of these in my menu. Fruits are out for me but not my family so they will be getting some of these.
Have Fun.
Sterling Silver Hair Accessories Combs, Updo Hair Pin and Head Band |
I’m getting “favorites” on the shop and individual products. No sales yet, but that isn’t really the point of why I make things. It would still be nice to make some sales though. But having no sales isn’t going to stop me from making more. I’m working on two more pendants this week. Both are specially purchased stones from another Etsy shop. I’ve also designed a couple of pairs of barrettes that I intend to make within the next week or two. I’m just waiting on the silver I’ve ordered. In that order is some silver I picked out for another hair band as well. I really like the first one I made and I want to try one a bit different for variety. I think I’d like to get into making sterling silver and natural stone hair accessories. There really aren’t many choices available in that category right now. It could be a nice niche to slide into.